Contra Viento y Marea


Внимание! Уважаемые посетители форума, в связи с тем, что megaupload больше не работает, многие сериалы стали недоступны для скачивания, я постараюсь по возможности восстановить ссылки, но это будет происходить не очень быстро; если кто-то желает помочь - буду вам признательна. Для доступа в некоторые разделы, где можно скачать сериалы (и не только) - необходимо зарегистрироваться =)

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"Eternamente tuya"/"Вечно твоя"

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15 серия

18 сентября 2009

Сара потрясена, узнав, что Антония любит Давида. Хуан Пабло и Давид дерутся. Наконец, они объявляют перемирие во имя любви к одной и той же женщине - Антонии. Роберто идет к Флоренсии, чтобы забрать Алехандру. Сара не может поверить, что Давид является любимым Антонии. С одной стороны она сердится, с другой стороны она чувствует себя раненной и способной сделать всё возможное, чтобы сохранить Давида. Агеда видит в этом очередную возможность поссорить Сару и Антонию.



16 серия 

23 сентября 2009

Антония планирует заработать побольше денег, чтобы пойти в училище и получить образование. Воспоминания о Давиде постоянно всплывают в её сознании во время учебы. Флоренсия советует сестре забыть о Давиде, потому что он богатый человек. Сказав, что Чун может раскрыть многие их тайны, Агеда приказывает Рамону позаботиться, чтобы старик молчал. Взамен Агеда обещает Умберто ответить на его чувства, если он увезёт Сару из семьи и разлучит её с Давидом, так как тот представляет секрьёзную угрозу её интересам.  Гуадалупе не в состоянии препятствовать поездке Хесуса к Хуану Пабло. Внезапно появляется Давид с сюрпризом для Антонии. Агеда замечает печаль Сары. Для управления своей пемянницей, Агеда даёт ей антидепрессанты. Рамон и Агеда подделывают документы, чтобы разорить Хесуса.



17 серия 

23 сентября 2009

Сара говорит Антонии, что у Давида есть девушка в городе, поэтому она должна выбрать Хуана Пабло, человека, который действительно любит ее. Умберто говорит Давиду, что Антонии не подходит ему, молодому инженеру, который, поселившись в Сан-Николасе, будет страдать. Антония взволнована от встречи с Давидом, в глубине души она верит, что он честный. Агеда и Рамон празднуют уничтожениеесуса и его семьи. Сара решила прислушаться к советам Агеды и украсть Давида у Антонии. Чон закрыт на складе. Гуадалупе не может позволить, чтобы Рамон ухаживал за Антонией. Сара просит Умберто проверить слухи о её отце и Гваделупе, есть ли у них отношения. Тем временем, Давид изо всех сил пытается найти способ, чтобы помочь местным фермерам, даже если это означает, что ему придётся столкнуться с Рамоном. Антония решила быть с человеком, которого она любит. Она послала две записки - одну для Дэвида и одну для Хуана Пабло.



18 серия 

24 сентября 2009

Сара не может заснуть из-за ярости при мысли об Антонии и Давиде, они не оставляют её в покое. Она решает сделать шаг, который поможет ей контролировать Давида. Ее первый шаг - звонок своему дяде Гонсало, чтобы обсудить работу Давида. Агеда считает, что всё в её руках. Но он хочет, чтобы её муж Умберто держал Сару подальше от Ла Пуресы. Чон закрыт людьми Агеды на складе. Он хочет предупредить Хуана Пабло держать Антонию подальше от демонов, которые скрываются под покровом темноты. Флоренсия хочет, чтобы её сестра воспользовалась деньгами Давида. Эрнестина призывает Хуана Пабло забыть Антонию и открыть свое сердце для Сары. Криспин хочет предупредить полицию об исчезновении некоторых животных.



Новости про Фенечку буду здесь рассказывать, чтобы темка поинформативнее была и почаще обновлялась.

Фернанда снялась в новом фильме с довольно известными чуваками, один из них сыграл в фильмах о Санта-Клаусе, там где обычный мужчина становится Сантой, а никто ему не верит, а потом понимают, что он не врал, а сын ему почти сразу поверил, кстати.

Ну так вот, фильм решили обозвать в нашем прокате "Старикашки", и выйдет он 22 мая в Америке, но у нас его тоже должны перевести, наверное.


Мне очень понравилась вторая фотография, не ожидала от Фер такого образа, интересно, из какого фильма постер.



А это сериал, в котором снялась Фенечка, но, видимо, он шёл не очень успешно, потому что существует только один сезон, зато пара классная, видела трейлер, только это и зацепило, сюжет, похоже, скучноватый, не знаю.



Так как у меня интернет виснет почти нереально, выкладываю сюда ссылки на официальные сайты Фени. Вот этот сайт - её личный блог, где она делиться почти каждый день необычными и красивыми снимками, интересными даже для тех, кто не является её фанатом. А ещё подписи можно почитать.



Вот этот сайт не так, чтобы очень клёвый, но интересные фотки тоже можно найти: … 691/albums



А этот сайт тоже очень яркий, со множеством фоток, которые удобно просматривать, там ещё и другие интересности в виде статей имеются, но так далеко пока не заходила:



А вот синопсис на английском, причём такой детальный, что я даже решила не переводить.

This is the story of two girls Antonia and Sara. Antonia was always a wild child, although poor, was always happy and who grew up with the love of their parents. Sara on the other hand was a sickly child and after the death of his parents left to care for her aunt and uncle Humberto Agueda. Both despite being so different were united by fate and became very good friends while they made a blood pact in which they promised each other to stay together forever. But Agatha, a woman of pride and bad feelings, also felt an immense hatred for Antonia, I separate this pair of friends, sending Sara to study in a boarding school in Switzerland, who after his departure leaves the book "Romeo and Juliet "Antonia which full of dreams and desires her best friend of ever finding love.

Over the years, Antonia and Sara turned 21 years. Antonia was in the town of San Nicolas expecting her friend every evening near the road leading to San Nicolas, never imagining that one day he would David, a city man, who worked in one of the most important of oilers country arrival about the people he met Antonia, who sang happily in the grass, to hear David, approached her, who ran away from him scared.

Later, Sara returns to town and that night he meets Sara David falls in love with him. For reasons of fate Antonia and David are back in the village fair, after spending time arrives Antonia's father, who as a common father to his daughter cela David. On the other hand after the meeting of the two friends, their friendship is bigger than ever, who told each other of that handsome man you were in love, not knowing that it was the same man "David".

Following the passage of time the relationship between Antonia and David was getting bigger. After the arrival of Juan Pablo the people who was the first love Antonia's childhood and returned to the United States to recover, he meets a new present in which the heart is occupied by Antonia David Abascal.

Meanwhile Sara also is in love with David court Him but only about David's love for Antonia was greater. David with the opportunity to be a dispute between two women is decided by Antonia making it clear to Sara that there is another woman who is very much in love. Sara after learning that, Antonia runs to tell what was happening, but Antonia is forward and says that his great love is called David Abascal, after learning who his rival in love, used his friendship with Antonia try to separate it from David, but fails.

Later, David has to go to Mexico City for work issues but before leaving Antonia gives her virginity. Following the departure of David, Sara Antonia manages separate through lies and deceit to both. Actually were completely separated by distance and Sara, but closer than ever by the love they had in common.

Meanwhile, Antonia was in San Nicolas, after falling into a trap is charged with the murder of Ramon, the mayor of the town, in an act of self-defense, since Ramon tried to take advantage of it. Threatened by Agatha, sister of Ramon flees to Mexico City.

Meanwhile Sara feigns memory loss because of a kidnapping organized by his Aunt Agatha, with this pretext to approach succeeds David while David in a depression over the loss of Antonia, Sara manages to get into bed. The next day David reflects and explains to Sara that it is best to forget that he is still in love with Antonia. Antonia Arriving to the city for reasons of fate meets David who has all that had happened. David tries to patch things up with Antonia does not work.

Meanwhile Sara Antonia threatens to tell everyone Ramon, if not stop once a David. Antonia does not fall into his game and enters college and later forgives David. After a while David proposed marriage to Antonia, she accepts filled with dreams and illusions.

One day, Antonia David goes to find her home and after spending the night with him, a bad twist of fate Sara arrives at the house of David, while he was in the bathroom and Sara asking for him, he meets Antonia who tells her to marry David.

David after realizing his discussion, intervenes, but Sara said she had spent the night with him. Antonia is confused and after confirming that what Sarah David said was true back to San Nicolas.

Meanwhile Sara is pregnant leveraging previous mind what he had with David, using Tiburcio, brother of Antonia, Sara manages to get pregnant.

Back mind David goes looking Antonia in San Nicolas and after an accident caused by Ramon who had been pretending to be dead, David goes to the hospital and cared for until Antonia reacts, she forgives him and asks David MATRIMONIA again. A few days later came the day when finally Antonia and David would marry, but the ceremony is interrupted by half after the arrival of Sara who said he had a relationship with David and I was expecting his child, David confesses that might be true and Antonia San Nicolás flees to the city.

With the passage of time Antonia realized she was expecting a son of David but chose not to tell David. As the months went Sara learned that her baby could die because she was bulimic. When babies are born, the changes Águeda giving the baby Antonia and Sara Sara Antonia, a few hours, the supposed son of Antonia dies, completely destroying it, while his own son was in the arms of Sara. Antonia will be studying in Spain, while Sara David agrees to marry civilly love for his son, which is called Juan David. Passing four years Antonia returns to San Nicolas and know a child in the woods moments later learns that he was John David, the supposed son of David and Sarah. Back mind in a face to face confrontation between Antonia, David and Sarah. Antonia confesses to David that after the marriage failed she became pregnant and had a son but he died. The two decide to investigate and discover that the child is alive and is about John David.

After a few days, Antonia learns that Sara's sister, since both are daughters of Benjamin (father of Sarah). Meanwhile, Ivan arrives who is a supposed friend who met Antonia in Spain and one that is deeply in love with her. While Antonia and David claim to Sara for what happened, Antonia tries to win the affection of little John David and David tries to patch things up with Antonia although still married to Sara and Ivan tries to steal the heart of Antonia.

Later, David manages to sign the divorce with Sara and fixes things with Antonia although John David does not know who his real mother until they do know and he reacted in the best way, accepting Antonia as his mother and that he was very fond and called her princess. After Sara joins forces with Agatha to destroy David and Antonia.

While David and Antonia were together again, David receives a mysterious call about information that he would be much help, so you head to a warehouse on the outskirts of the city and meets Ramon who try to kill David, but he manages to dodge the shots, but suddenly a stray bullet that had been fired by Agatha enters and kills Ramon, at that time the police come to the scene and saw David's body next to Ramon's blame him murder immediately.

David is brought to the public prosecutor and later transferred to the prison's mind when Antonia heard what happened and felt an immense distress hurried to see David. He immediately hired a lawyer to handle the case, but what a surprise it took David when he learned who that person was, it was Rosario, who was his girlfriend before he met Antonia and of whom he was very fond but at that time David was only an employee of the oil and did not have a very high social status, so she left him and now she would try to settle outstanding accounts release but he made it clear that now his mind was Antonia who he loved and had a child together. While David was in the prison, Antonia found a way to be near him, every night she went to a rooftop near the prison and with a microphone and a pair of speakers, as she told him she loved him. Ivan to see that even though David was in prison, he still loved Antonia, decided to ally with Agatha.

After hearing that Antonia Ivan and Agatha were allies, wanted nothing more than Ivan. Soon Agueda in a moment of desperation, and it would be discovered by all his crimes, kidnapped Juan David and said he would return only if David was pleading guilty. For one thing, the child back to his home in San Nicolas, David was released and immediately established an arrest warrant against the public prosecutor in Agueda.

While all this was happening Ivan fire purity, dies and everyone thinks Agatha too, but Agatha had escaped with only some burns and threatened death Antonia.

Antonia, David and his son were together, but now there was another problem, Sara was in a coma in a hospital and needed an urgent kidney transplant, when her sister Antonia and compatible, Antonia decides to donate his kidney to the woman who had separated from his great love so many times that your child snatched from her arms, but she was his sister and her best friend had been during his childhood. So Antonia grudges being a female decides to undergo surgery, but just before delivering a letter to the doctor to operate in order to deliver it to David and his son if something went wrong. During surgery almost dies but manages Antonia stabilizes and out of the operation alive and recovering expectations. While David and Antonia's family thought all danger was over, Agatha had developed a plan for revenge against Antonia, so with the help of two men, three infiltrated the dressing hospital workers, nursing her and nurse them, so while David went to change and Tiburcio who it was that was supposed to be taking care of Antonia, was a time to see Sara. Agatha made an unknown woman in bathroom and Antonia Antonia bag on a stretcher and later rose to mind an ambulance and took her to the outskirts of the city or rather almost to the outskirts of San Nicolas.

Meanwhile back Tiburcio Antonia's room when he realizes that informs disappeared suddenly nurses Roberto cousin Sara arrives, asking him to calm down, and moments later David comes with a bouquet of flowers when she meets the tragedy of his great love, Antonia was gone, put the entire hospital and the police to find her. After seeing the hospital security video, David realizes that he had been Agatha who had taken, then tracked the ambulance and police and he went in search of Antonia. Along the way John David called David to ask how was your mama, David said that Antonia was fine and that he promised he would do everything in his power to see her as soon as possible. Meanwhile Águeda pump installed below the gas tank to leave no trace of Antonia. Within minutes Águeda awakens and tells Antonia and Antonia plan reaches only ask because you feel so much hate for her and Agatha replied telling the story of Benjamin and his mother snatched the great love of his life and then had she born, and that Benjamin had inherited everything he owned.

Agatha leaves the ambulance after having told the story and closes the back doors. Antonia makes a desperate effort to get up from the couch and suddenly puts his hand over his operation wound and realizes that is bleeding, then Antonia recalls that as a child, Sara told her that when he spoke Agueda your child became very ill and who died in an accident caused by it. So Antonia tells Agatha did not explode the bomb, do it for your child, then it gets really bad Agueda.

Meanwhile David and the police arrive on the scene and David is approaching Águeda behind a wire fence and begs for mercy please and will not do anything to Antonia and better flee, at that very moment a policeman off the truck bomb and throws and Agueda without being aware of that would push the button to detonate the bomb, but it explodes a few feet away, at the time the cops get arrested and David jump the fence and goes to Antonia finding it desmallada bled and then took charge of the ambulance going to the hospital to be escorted by a patrol.

Soon Antonia arrives in arms to the hospital for help and immediately got back to the operating room, the doctor handed the letter to David that Antonia had written to him and his son where he said he loved them and especially telling David that whatever happened was always going to be "eternally yours" after this second surgery Antonia fell into a coma for more than 9 months after returning awakened hopes to David.

He soon recovered and went to see his son, who embrace with all his might.

After Sara apologizes and the two returned to say "always together." Soon it was time for the wedding of Antonia and David. David enters the church accompanied by Beatriz friendship that makes Antonia to get to the city, then comes the father to marry, followed by his young son John David and then Antonia with her father. Antonia wore a beautiful white dress as usual at weddings, the priest pronounces them husband and wife and give the kiss declaring his love for people. Antonia says she now has the greatest gift of God: a son and they were waiting for a girl, who was the best man at his side, the more detailed and loving the world and does not have a happy ending as throughout history but the beginning of a loving marriage and solve complications every day with all the confidence I felt for David.



Ну что же, расскажу, пожалуй, про сериал, сейчас он временно на стопе, потому что по сравнени с "Красным орлом" не выдерживает конкуренцию. Конечно, дело не в актёрах, и даже, возможно, не в сюжете, тут большую роль играет плохое качество видео и еле слышный звук, а если учесть, что теленовелла на испанском, без субтитров, удовольствие от просмотра стремится к нулю. Пока 13 серий отсмотрено. Ещё и скачать его сложно, по два часа серия качается, а "Орла" я с торрента весь сезон за час скачала. Вообще люблю скачивать с рутрекера, хорошо, что научилась, а то одно время мне казалось это чем-то из разряда суперсложного, что-то вроде того, как покупать на ebay сейчас. Тоня и Давид радуют, остальные никак. Довольно милая пара могла бы получиться у уан Пабло с Сарой, вон они как обнимались, но, видимо, они до этого не додумались, а смотреть на Сару, отбивающую мужика у Антонии совсем не хочется, тем более без перевода. Кстати, Сара раздражает чуть меньше, чем в начале сериала, но дальше может и поменяться отношение, если она Тони будет палки в колёса вставлять, не хочется такого развития сюжета, но всё равно сериал симпатичный, нет этих силиконовых кукол, которые в последнее время всё телевидение захватили.


Вы здесь » Contra Viento y Marea » Сериалы на испанском и болгарском » "Eternamente tuya"/"Вечно твоя"